Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Chester is the name of our cat who is now for more than a year  'cat in residence ' in the mission building at Roberts Bank.

Chester is our cat since 2003 and has lived at home for a few years but because of allergy problems we moved him to a nearby barn. Here he had all the freedom but was also challenged by raccoon, eagle and the occasional owl. I am sure several fights have taken place during that time.

When there were some issues with ' mice ' in the seafarer center we decided to move Chester temporarily from the barn to the center to 'solve' the problem.

Since Chester has 'moved in'  the mice seemed to have 'moved on.' We thank him for that.

Chester has made himself very much 'at home.' He refuses to go outside. I think he will retire here and never return to the barn again. I can't blame him, he is very well fed by the staff and no more enemies to fight!

Not only has he solved the ' mice ' problem he is also a tremendous therapeutic asset for seafarers!
He loves to hang around the seafarers and the seafarers love him. He sits with them - he looks and stares at them. He is totally at ease with strangers, evening after evening. Quite unusual for cats!

Also, I am convinced that Chester is the most photographed cat in the world. The seafarers love to take pictures of him.

Thanks Chester for being such a great cat!

Wow! What a cat.