Thursday, July 7, 2011

Post Pentecost/Church on the Ocean

 On the picture with Malpe Estibeiro from India who leads the bible study on board. Below you see three members of the group. It's  very hard on board a ship to get them all together at the same time for making a picture.
Yesterday, a seafarer from India who sails on the M/V Theodore Mearsk came to the Mission building. The first thing  he asked me was whether I was a Christian! When I said, yes, he immediately mentioned that he along with eight others ( all Philippine sailors ) regularly hold bible studies on board their ship on Sunday evenings.  I introduced him to the bible section  and suggested he take as many bibles as they needed.
He left with three bags of material!.But this is not the end of the story; later he asked me for Russian bible tracts as well. When I asked, "Why Russian? ", he explained that where he comes from ( Goa ) many Russian tourists visit the area. When he goes home, he and his father go to the beaches and hand out the ' gospel tracts '.
Last night I went to the down town Mission building and picked up a large amount of Russian material! This morning when I delivered the material  he was overjoyed. We lunched together with some of the other bible students as well. You can see on the two pictures who they are. It's a wonderful story of the continuing power of the Holy Spirit working among people and nationalities; Indian, Philippino, and Russian!.................. Amazing!

" I looked...............and before me was a great multitude that no one could count..........from every nation,  tribe, people and languege, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb! "