Thursday, July 7, 2011

M/V Cape Canary

The first sailors I met  on board the M/V Cape Canary were some friendly fellows from India. Looking to my left, I noticed two young ladies standing there in white coveralls. I was a little shocked because I rarely see young ( female ) seafarers on bulk carriers. While chatting with them, I discovered they were Scottish students from a maritime school in England doing their four month practicum aboard a ship.  When asked how they were doing, their response was not overly enthusiastic.  Apparently the food, "is so hot and spicy!" with a typical Indian menu of rice and curry everyday.

When I returned later that day, with bags of bread for the girls, the Indian captain invited me to have dinner with him. During our conversation, he told me that when he is on leave he leads a bible study in the local prison! You meet all kind of different people on board ship but this is the first person I've met who does such work when he is home. When asked  why, his simple answer was, " This is what I do in return for what the Lord has done for me." Wonderful answer!

After dinner I met the two cadets again and asked them if I could help them by bringing some peanut butter for their bread. The one looked at me and said in no uncertain terms, " We don't like peanut butter!"  When I then suggested marmalade I got the same response, " We don't like marmalade!"  What could I do?  Apparently young female cadets from Scotland are hard to please!