Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A very happy and thankful crew!

I must admit, I felt really good after my ship visiting last Friday.  From the moment I entered the ship's dining room, I immediately noticed that something was wrong.  Everybody looked very upset!  One of the crew members started complaining to me, " We are not allowed to get off the ship, not even to visit the Mission! "  The crew of this ship had visited  the Mission on a previous voyage and they   knew me.  " Why not? " I asked.  " We have a new captain and he won't allow us to get off the ship to make phone  calls!   Can you please talk to the captain for us?" they begged. I knew that in the past the crew of this particular nationality was not allowed to get off the ship due to some incidents of ' ship jumping ' ( trying to enter Canada illegally ), which means major fines for the company when it happens.
I did not have much choice but speak to the captain who was lunching in the officer's lounge. Would I have a chance to change his mind, knowing that his decision is always decisive on board ship? This was a first  for me.  Upon meeting the captain, I realized that I was standing in front of a very imposing, authoritative  person. After  introducing myself and being asked to sit down I immediately asked him if the crew would be allowed to get off the ship, come to the Mission and make their phone calls. " NO " was the immediate answer!  "Company policy, none of them gets off the ship " I tried again, explaining to him that the Mission building is located within the Port perimeter etc., etc., but NO was the answer.
He did not send me away however, but seemed  eager for a ' talk '. And talking we did; politics, the euro, the dollar, the Second World War, when will the Third World War begin? etc. I got the feeling he liked me, or at least respected me so, I thought, I'll give it " one more try ". " Captain, please let these men go to the Mission, I am working tonight, you can be sure everything will be okay! "  There was a moment of silence and then he called the steward who then had to tell the crew that they had permission go to the Mission............" BUT NOT EVERYONE AT ONCE "

Did a very happy crew come to the Mission that evening?  You bet!  I could't do anything wrong, and even got a hug and lots of handshakes as the evening progressed. I was reminded again, how important it is to visit the ships and meet the crew.........You never know!