Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today, while talking with a Philippine cook aboard one of the ships, we discovered that we both belong to Reformed churches.  His Presbyterian church has recently grown from a few families to approx. 150 members.  He, however lamented the fact that Satan is making overtime in his church.  Apparently,the church custodian has been accused of sexual abuse by a female member. Eventually, the local newspaper got wind of it and all this is deeply troubling the pastor. In response, I mentioned that the Lord sometimes tests or chastises us in order that we not become too proud. He does this sometimes  through persecution because we often become too comfortable where we are or we start glorifying ourselves because of the increase of members. I told him that I will pray for him, his church and his pastor.
He also mentioned that the ship's steward is a pastor. You can guess why he is working on a ship........he needs the.income!
When I asked him if he and the steward/pastor have  tried to lead a bible study on board, he had a very  interesting answer.  " Yes, I have tried it but there is always the excuse that everybody is sleepy " And then he said, " They don't want to come because I am at the bottom of the ladder " " What do you mean with that? " I asked. " Well, if the captain or the chief engineer leads a bible study the crew will show up, no matter how sleepy they are! ", was the answer. Now isn't that typical of human nature?
That was the end of our conversation as other seafarers came and needed phone cards.