Tuesday, February 21, 2012


     There was only one very slow dial - up computer in the Mission at Roberts Bank when I began my work as a chaplain at the end of 2003. How things have changed during the last 8 years! There are now 5  high speed PC's for general use however, most sailors prefer using their own laptops. It continues to amaze me how communication has changed during these last years.

     All laptops look basically the same however one day some one walked into the Mission with a laptop complete with sticker which read; " Real Men Love Jesus "  Now that doesn't happen every day so I wanted to take the opportunity  to ask him some questions like;  " Obviously, you are a Christian?  You are very courageous doing this."  " Are you getting a lot of comments or ridicule for doing this on board the ship?" The answers to my questions were mostly in the affirmative.

     Then he asked me if I had New  Testament Greek and Hebrew Bibles for him. " Why ", I asked? " When I go back to The Philippines I study Hebrew and Greek with my pastor friend,"  he said. My  next question was, you guessed it, " Are you planning to attend seminary and become a pastor? To this he answered, " No, I just want to get a better knowledge of God's Word! " ------- A great testimony of someone ' who loves Jesus! '
Now get this; at the Mission we have New Testament Hebrew bibles for Jewish seafarers  but just the week before the sailor 'who loves Jesus ' showed up some one had dropped-off some boxes with books. One of the books was a New Testament Greek Bible, the one that's being used by seminary students.............Would we call that pure coincidence or God's providence?